Web Performance Optimization (WPO).
Our WPO approach is completely focused on achieving a fine website experience. We do this by measuring your website and seeing in which areas it can be optimized. Within our process is also internal customer awareness. This way, we make sure your employees always have WPO on top of mind when editing or creating web pages.
What is WPO?
WPO is an abbreviation for Web Performance Optimization. It is often associated with load speed optimization, however, WPO goes beyond load speed. With WPO, you look beyond loading speed to the loading experience. A good example is shifts on the website and changing fonts. When both the speed and loading method are optimal you will also start reaping the benefits of this from various channels.
Thus, the website will get a higher Quality Score from SEA, become more organically findable and UX better from the test.
![DRB website prestatie voor WPO](https://puredigital.nl/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/wpo-slechteprestatie.jpg)
![DRB website prestatie na WPO](https://puredigital.nl/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/wpo-verbeterde-prestatie-.jpg)
Why WPO?
It has been proven that a good loading experience makes a user feel more at ease on the website and in the process, the user is more likely to convert. In other words, a website where the loading experience is not optimal is losing sales.
In addition, it also ensures that a user is more likely to return to the website when the feeling has been right with the website.
WPO Approach
PureDigital’s WPO specialists have years of experience in complex WPO projects. Will you also choose our successful WPO approach? If so, feel free to contact one of our WPO specialists!
PureDigital’s WPO approach consists of the following steps:
Initialization: analyzing and monitoring the website.
Taking stock: prioritizing WPO optimizations and creating a roadmap.
Implement: implementing WPO optimizations.
Evaluate: evaluate results and secure learnings.
In addition to the above approach, we also ensure that employees become aware of how additions to the website can impact loading speed. This is how we keep the loading experience of website optimal in the future.
WPO and CRO are close to each other. Both respond to the website experience. Whereas WPO focuses primarily on the method of loading, CRO focuses more on the persuasiveness of a Web site. Therefore, our advice is always to use both disciplines together to get the most out of your website.
WPO Outsourcing
WPO can have a very large positive impact on business goals, but only when properly optimized. It is important to know what needs to be optimized and to work on this structurally. Entrepreneurs often do not have the time or knowledge to do this, which makes outsourcing WPO an obvious choice. At PureDigital, we completely unburden the client in this process in order to achieve maximum results.
Questions about WPO?
Feel free to contact one of our WPO specialists without obligation.