
Since March 2022, PureDigital has been involved in the SEO optimization process of the website. The primary goal of the collaboration was to increase SEO rankings in the short term, which was to result in more relevant traffic and bookings. An apparently difficult challenge, since SEO optimization often pays off only in the long run. However, we gladly accepted these challenges. Ultimately, this resulted in 46% more impressions, 40% more sessions, and all this while search volumes in the market dropped by -12%. Wondering how we did this? Then read the remainder of this case.

Injectablesbooking logo
SEO artwork

About is a new and innovative platform bringing together supply of and demand for cosmetic treatments. The unique proposition that takes with this is as follows:

  1. Informational guidance on cosmetic treatments for consumers
  2. Instant ability to search, compare and book.

All certified doctors and clinics can sign up for free, allowing for a fair comparison.

The SEO Approach

The website had a lot of content where the potential was high but performance was lacking. After the initial discussions, we recommended starting with a focus topic (tear duct fillers) where we were going to optimize the following:

nummer 1

Content quality: complement content, focusing on expertise, authority and reliability. In which the Search Quality Guidelines were used to assess content. For the cosmetic search market, these are important factors that search engines pay extra attention to.

nummer 2

Topic authority: Consider both content and link structure (internal/external) as well as URL structure. The layering was very flat and there were no options such as breadcrumbs to solve this.

nummer 3

Link structure: many pages received (too) few internal links, thus not recognizing relevance. We looked at this thoroughly and eventually improved it.

This formed the core of SEO optimization. The remainder of this case examines the results.

Rise In Positions

What we saw after the optimizations was a significant increase in positions resulting in increased performance on the topic tear duct filler.

injectablesbooking seo resultaten

Period: 01-03-22 to 30-06-22

Keyword: tear trough filler


After the success of the test topic, we continued this across the entire website. As a result, the various themes (treatments, doctors and clinics) saw various position increases.

To verify that we are not dealing with seasonality here, we put a search trend report alongside the results, showing that search volumes are lower in the months of March through June than before. We see a decrease in searches of -12% if we compare the periods November 2021 to February 2022 vs March 2022 to June 2022.

Rise In Traffic:

PureDigital’s approach and close collaboration with has resulted in a significant increase in the number of organic sessions. Thus, we see an increase in sessions of +40%. The number of keywords that were in the top 10 within the Netherlands also increased from 679 (Feb. 28, 2022) to 1035 (July 19, 2022).

organische sessies seo

The Future

After the great results, the challenge now is to continue to grow the website. There will be a number of dependencies associated with this. Such as technical further development of the website and further completion of content. The following activities are planned:

  • New content opportunities (using search behavior and SEA data)
  • Template further development
  • Further optimize internal link structure

Also Book Such Beautiful Results?

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